杰 张 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> 1.  (*) text/plain          
> Hi all,
>       I just want to get the values of a table.The result implemented is 
> "Open OK!
>   segmentation fault ". Why did I got this result ? The following is my code:

Just from a quick visual inspection, it appears that you need to make the
following changes.  You need to pass the ADDRESS of where to put the allocated
pointers and returned number of rows/columns.

>   #include <stdio.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #include "sqlite3.h"
> main()
> {

>     char **errmsg;

char *errmsg;

>     int ret;
>     int rc;
>       sqlite3 *db;
>     char *sql = "SELECT * FROM light;";

>     char ***resultp;
>     int *nrow;
>     int *ncolumn;

char **resultp;
int nrow;
int ncolumn;

>     ret = sqlite3_open("sensor.db",&db);
>     if (ret)
>     {
>         fprintf(stderr, "Could not open database:%s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
>         exit (1);
>     }
>     else 
>      {  printf("Open OK!\n");

>         rc = sqlite3_get_table(db,sql,resultp,nrow,ncolumn,errmsg);

rc = sqlite3_get_table(db,sql,&resultp,&nrow,&ncolumn,&errmsg);

>           printf("rc=%d\n",rc);
>         if (rc)
>          {
>              fprintf(stderr,"can't open the table:%s\n",sqlite3_errmsg(db));
>              exit(1);
>          }
>         else printf("open the table ok");
>        }    
>     sqlite3_close(db);
>     printf("Close OK!");
> }
>   Thank you so much!
>   zhangjie 
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