Sounds like an interesting setup! Maybe off topic, but, would you care to elaborate on that topic? Server configuration, virtualization software running, etc.?

Lenster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The application needs to be available to about twenty users on a daily basis, with most of those users making no more than five 'write' transactions a day, and around twenty 'read' transactions a day.

The SQLite website is itself backed by SQLite.  It handles
between 5000 and 6000 users per day, with each user doing about
10 writes on average and dozens of queries. This is all accomplished on a server that is a virtual machine (using User Mode Linux) that is one of 24 virtual machines on the physical server. There are actually several other websites running on the same virtual machine, though the SQLite website takes most of the load.

The SQLite database that backs the SQLite website has no
difficulty handling this load. It could scale to much more
traffic simply by devoting more of the physical server to
the task.

D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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