
When I'm running several threads at the same, I sometimes get a crash in sqlite3_prepare() in the marked statement below:

int sqlite3_prepare(
  sqlite3 *db,              /* Database handle. */
  const char *zSql,         /* UTF-8 encoded SQL statement. */
  int nBytes,               /* Length of zSql in bytes. */
sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* OUT: A pointer to the prepared statement */
  const char** pzTail       /* OUT: End of parsed string */
  Parse sParse;
  char *zErrMsg = 0;
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  int i;

  /* Assert that malloc() has not failed */
  assert( !sqlite3MallocFailed() );

  assert( ppStmt );
  *ppStmt = 0;  <<<<<<<<<< the crash occurs here...

Any ideas why this is happening?


-- Tito

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