Unit 5 wrote:

I have just started playing with Sqlite.  I was able
to download the latest binary and start using it right
away from a tclshell.  It seems that the primary api
is db eval command.

In the documentation and the FAQ's, I did not see this
so I thought I would ask here for clarification:

Is the concept of cursors supported?  What I would
like to do is, issue a select statement, see if it is
OK or not, then do something else, and maybe retrieve
the results of the statement.  So, I need a way to
refer to the result set after the statement has
finished executing.  For example, I would ask the user
if they want to view the results if it is a select
statement, and either display it page by page, or move
on to something else.
This is also useful from another point of view: even
when the users do a plain select from a very large
table, I wouldn't want the whole table loaded and
returned to me right away.

I hope this is clear, and thanks in advance for any

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Look at the sqlite3_prepare and sqlite3_step API calls and perhaps rethink your application. Using them you can very efficiently achieve what you are looking to do, and do it conserving memory and other resources.

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