Doug Nebeker wrote:

So does that mean if I get "TABLE xyz" in the 'detail' column back and
it does NOT mention an index that a full table scan is taking place?
I found some info about EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN
( but haven't found out
exactly what the response columns mean.


Yes, that's what that means. Here are some simple examples. Note it is easier to see what is happening if you turn on the headers and go to column mode.

   SQLite version 3.3.5
   Enter ".help" for instructions
   sqlite> create table t(a integer primary key, b);
   sqlite> .mode column
   sqlite> .header on
   sqlite> explain query plan select * from t;
   order       from        detail
   ----------  ----------  ----------
   0           0           TABLE t
   sqlite> explain query plan select * from t where a > 100;
   order       from        detail
   ----------  ----------  -------------------------
   0           0           TABLE t USING PRIMARY KEY
   sqlite> explain query plan select * from t where b > 100;
   order       from        detail
   ----------  ----------  ----------
   0           0           TABLE t
   sqlite> create index t_b on t(b);
   sqlite> explain query plan select * from t where b > 100;
   order       from        detail
   ----------  ----------  ----------------------
   0           0           TABLE t WITH INDEX t_b
   sqlite> create table t2(b, c);
sqlite> explain query plan select * from t left join t2 using(b) where c > 100;
   order       from        detail
   ----------  ----------  ----------
   0           0           TABLE t
   1           1           TABLE t2
sqlite> explain query plan select * from t left join t2 using(b) where a > 100;
   order       from        detail
   ----------  ----------  -------------------------
   0           0           TABLE t USING PRIMARY KEY
   1           1           TABLE t2

The first query does a table scan,and it has to because it needs to return all records. The second uses the primary key index. The third does a table scan because there is no index on column b. Finally the fourth uses the new index on column b created just before. The last two show how multiple table scans are listed for joins.

I'm not sure what the order and from columns are myself. Perhaps someone else can explain them.

Dennis Cote

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