--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ...
> Most of the interfaces in bind.test are
> special-purpose
> testing hacks that are only available if you build
> the "testfixture".  They are not a part of the
> standard
> ...
> Three things to take away from this overview:
>   (1)  The TCL API adds new syntax to the TCL
> language
>        (the scripts eval and transactio methods). 
> This
>        is an exceedingly powerful mechanism which
> cannot
>        be accomplished with Algol-derived languages
> such
>        as Perl, Python, Ruby, or Java.  You have to
> look
>        outside of parsed languages to Lisp and
> Scheme
>        to find this kind of raw power.
>   (2)  Everything is done at a very high level.  No
>        calls to prepare() or step() or finalize() or
>        column_text().  Conversions and caching are
> all
>        handled transparently and automatically.  You
>        do not have to think about them.  This allows
>        you to devote more brain cycles to the
> problem
>        you are trying to solve.


I agree with you 100%.  The tcl api looks, no, *is*
quite powerful, simple and straightforward.  This is
really what attracted us to Sqlite in the first place.

What I was looking for is a way to test whether a
given SQL is valid or not, before executing it. 
Running the SQL may take too long just to have a
OK/not OK test.  More importantly, sometimes, the SQL
itself has side effects so that it should not be
executed twice (like an INSERT statement.)  

It looks like this functionality is already there as
you use it in the test suite.  Is there a reason not
to make it available generally?  At least a version of
it that does nothing else or that does not make the
full range of promises the regular sqlite3_prepare may
do (like setting cursors, setting things up for
fetches, etc.).

I am just trying to understand the author and
inventor's thought processes here more than anything.

I am sure you've heard it a lot but thanks a lot for
the great software and your generosity in making it

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