So I dropped the "not null" and it gave a ~2% increase in overall speed.
It's not much, but may count for something. It's a little strange because
that is just the opposite of MySQL. In MySQL, it shrinks the database size
and speeds up the access by declaring a column not null. 

I am using the prepare/bind/step combination. The bind calls are negligible
time-wise. It's the step function that I think could run faster. As I
understand it, the step function is not actually doing an insert. That
doesn't happen until the "end transaction" statement. Therefore, the not
null thing should not effect the speed of the step function. Is that not

It seems that the step function should only occasionally allocate memory; it
should allocate enough for a number of expected queries per transaction.
That doesn't make sense, though, if you're not in the middle of a
transaction. Hence, I wonder if we really need two different functions. The
step function is overkill for just doing inserts that never return any data
and that are in the middle of a transaction. What we need in that situation
is a quick memcpy and nothing else. 

> Having a primary key is the same thing as adding a UNIQUE 
> index on the desired columns except for the case where the 
> key is on a single column with integer type (i.e. integer 
> primary key). The later case is optimized in sqlite, but must 
> be done before the table is populated.
> > I have a table that looks like this:
> >
> >
> > I originally had this line as well: , PRIMARY KEY (qi, ri, run)
> >
> > I need to do billions (no joke) of consecutive inserts into this 
> > table. Writing binary out with std::ofstream was using 26% 
> of my code 
> > execution time according to the profiler. I changed to sqlite3, and 
> > now the sqlite3_step function uses 50% of my execution time. After 
> > reading the news groups, I removed the primary key. That dropped it 
> > down to about 41%. That was significant. However, I was still 
> > significantly slower than binary writes with ofstream. 
> Then, I tried 
> > the PRAGMA temp_store = 2. That made absolutely no difference. I'll 
> > assume that's what it was to begin with, though it reports 0. Also, 
> > from the profiler, it seems that the step function does a lot of 
> > memory allocations and deallocations, yet I cannot find 
> them in the code.
> >
> > If it helps, I was testing 600k inserts in transactions of 0xFFF 
> > inserts and my current settings:
> >                                PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 0; \
> >                                PRAGMA case_sensitive_like = 1; \
> >                                PRAGMA cache_size = 32768; \
> >                                PRAGMA default_cache_size = 32768; \
> >                                PRAGMA count_changes = 0; \
> >                                PRAGMA synchronous = 0; \
> >                                PRAGMA page_size = 4096; \
> >                                PRAGMA temp_store = 2;
> >
> > What else can I do to speed up my inserts?
> >
> >
> There are a couple of things to look at. First, you don't say 
> exactly how you are executing the inserts. You should use 
> sqlite3_prepare() to compile an insert statement with a your 
> seven columns as parameters.
>     insert into results values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
> Then inside your insert loop you should bind values to each 
> of these parameters. If you have known patterns in your input 
> data, and some of the parameter values repeat,  you can 
> eliminate re-binding the same value to a parameter for each 
> loop since sqlite will retain the last bound value. Finally, 
> step the statement and then reset it for the next loop iteration.
> You should add your index after you have inserted all the data.
> You can also speed the execution time of the insert statement 
> somewhat by dropping the NOT NULL constraints on your data 
> columns. Each one of those is checked for every insert. For 
> comparison here is a  dump of the code generated for a simple 
> two column table with and without the not null constraints.
>     SQLite version 3.3.5
>     Enter ".help" for instructions
>     sqlite> create table t1 (a integer, b integer);
>     sqlite> create table t2 (a integer not null, b integer not null);
>     sqlite> .explain on
>     sqlite> explain insert into t1 values (?, ?);
>     addr  opcode          p1          p2          p3
>     ----  --------------  ----------  ----------
> ---------------------------------
>     0     Goto            0           11
>     1     Integer         0           0
>     2     OpenWrite       0           2
>     3     SetNumColumns   0           2
>     4     NewRowid        0           0
>     5     Variable        1           0
>     6     Variable        2           0
>     7     MakeRecord      2           0           dd
>     8     Insert          0           3           t1
>     9     Close           0           0
>     10    Halt            0           0
>     11    Transaction     0           1
>     12    VerifyCookie    0           2
>     13    Goto            0           1
>     14    Noop            0           0
>     sqlite> explain insert into t2 values (?, ?);
>     addr  opcode          p1          p2          p3
>     ----  --------------  ----------  ----------
> ---------------------------------
>     0     Goto            0           17
>     1     Integer         0           0
>     2     OpenWrite       0           3
>     3     SetNumColumns   0           2
>     4     NewRowid        0           0
>     5     Variable        1           0
>     6     Variable        2           0
>     7     Dup             1           1
>     8     NotNull         1           10
>     9     Halt            19          2           t2.a may not be NULL
>     10    Dup             0           1
>     11    NotNull         1           13
>     12    Halt            19          2           t2.b may not be NULL
>     13    MakeRecord      2           0           dd
>     14    Insert          0           3           t2
>     15    Close           0           0
>     16    Halt            0           0
>     17    Transaction     0           1
>     18    VerifyCookie    0           2
>     19    Goto            0           1
>     20    Noop            0           0
>     sqlite>
> Dropping the not null constraints makes perfect sense if you 
> are always using sqlite3_bind_int() to assign the column 
> values, since there is no way for your application to insert 
> a null value (i.e. you need to call
> sqlite3_bind_null() to insert a null value).
> Dennis Cote

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