
Basically, what I imagined from DRH's original proposal was that accounts that have not sent out mails after some period of time would receive an email informing them that they will be unsubscribed unless they send a mail to the mailing list, or they reply to this notification email, within some (short) period of time.

I have qualms about asking people to click on a link, since it may look like a bogus email in which the link will take them elsewhere. You know, like one of those "your account has expired, click on this link to renew" spam emails.

A request to participate or reply to the notification is consistent with the subscription process, so people are more likely to treat it is genuine. Of course, on the other hand, having a validation link means that a CAPTCHA can be used in the validation webpage, as was previously suggested. It would also be possible to have a CAPTCHA in an email, but chances are email readers may strike out the image, or even flag the message as suspicious.

Eugene Wee

Jay Sprenkle wrote:
On list management, how about this:

* The mailing list periodically selects out all accounts that have not
posted and disables those accounts.
* Sends an email to those accounts telling them they're
disabled due to inactivity and they can reenable by clicking on a link.

It drops people who don't read it or that delete mail unread.
It's minimally intrusive to lurkers.
There's no overhead for posters.
It doesn't sound hard to implement.

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