Jay Sprenkle wrote:
> On 6/7/06, Bill KING <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I understand why I'm getting the deadlock now, lazy locking, (it's
>> against the logical grain of transaction/locking, but that's a whole
>> other argument) . Maybe this should be highlighted with big arrows in
>> the information around multi-threading, as starvation/deadlock happens
>> and often, especially if you get the scenario:
>> begin                                           begin
>> write (fail because of read lock)       write ( busy deadlock)
>> commit (fail, busy, read lock).          commit (fail, busy, deadlock).
> Why are you putting transactions around single sql statements?
> There seems to be no benefit to it.
Because it's not a single statement, it's several levels of tables, and
the whole operation needs to be atomic for system consistency. Which is,
essentially what transactions are for.

Bill King, Software Engineer
Trolltech, Brisbane Technology Park
26 Brandl St, Eight Mile Plains, 
QLD, Australia, 4113
Tel + 61 7 3219 9906 (x137)
Fax + 61 7 3219 9938
mobile: 0423 532 733

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