On Thu, 22 Jun 2006 12:59:54 +0530, Puneet Goel wrote:

>I am considering using SQL Lite for my purpose. For that i need some help in
>decision making. I have an applivation which nneds to store muliple number
>of messages for a user. Messages will grow over time. Also there can be
>thousands of users.

>Which approach would be better is i use SQL Lite (From developer ease,
>Security etc point of view)

>1) I make 1 DB having data for so many users.

>2) I make seperate DB for each user

This is a decision only you can make based on local knowledge and
experience. Both approaches can work.

Other developers have been working with datasets containing 10's
of millions of records without difficulty.

An important factor might be the frequency of message record insertion
and/or deletion. A rate of several per minute should be no problem for a
single database but several per second might cause unacceptable
lockouts for readonly uses.

How many writing processes will access the database "simultaneously"?

Open/close of multiple databases could be time consuming.

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