Adriano Monteiro wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm having a headache with escape chars at sqlite. I'm using pysqlite,
> and everytime I try to insert data with a escape char it raises the
> following exception:
>  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlite/", line 244, in
> execute
> = self.con.db.execute(SQL)
> _sqlite.DatabaseError: unrecognized token: "\"
> After that, I tried to double the escape to avoid the problem, but
> nothing changed. I tried to double the escape, because that is the
> technique widely used on main languages to escape a escape char.
> As I saw at the sqlite FAQ, that's the same technique used to escape a
> quote. But, It simply doesn't seem to work with the escape char.
> Any clues?
> Cheeeeers!


you should let Pysqlite handle quote escaping by itself, by using "?" 
characters in your SQL queries  :
>>> from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
>>> conn = sqlite.connect(':memory:')
>>> cursor = conn.cursor()
>>> cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE t (id INTEGER, value TEXT)")
<pysqlite2.dbapi2.Cursor object at 0xa7dc2ec0>
>>> cursor.execute("INSERT INTO t (id, value) VALUES (?, ?)",
... (1, "It's a test with simple (') quote"))
<pysqlite2.dbapi2.Cursor object at 0xa7dc2ec0>
>>> cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM t")
<pysqlite2.dbapi2.Cursor object at 0xa7dc2ec0>
>>> cursor.fetchall()
[(1, u"It's a test with simple (') quote")]

By the way, SQLite use double quote ('') to escape simple quote :
"A string constant is formed by enclosing the string in single quotes ('). A 
single quote within the
string can be encoded by putting two single quotes in a row - as in Pascal. 
C-style escapes using
the backslash character are not supported because they are not standard SQL."

        Jonathan Ballet

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