Parsing is a language term. You might recall being taught to parse a sentence into subject and predicate, then phrases, verbs nouns, articles etc. A computer language parser does the same thing, lexical analysis to extract the words and syntactical analysis to match to the grammar.

That apparently is as far as Sqlite goes with foreign keys.

John Newby wrote:
FOREIGN KEY constraints are parsed but are not enforced.

Hi, what does the above statement on the SQLite website mean?

Call me stupid but I do not understand the word "parsed", I was thinking it
meant, it recognises them if you put them in your create table statement but
it does not enforce them, is this correct?

I looked it up in a dictionary but it confused me more, this is what it said
for the word parsed :-

1. To break (a sentence) down into its component parts of speech with an
explanation of the form, function, and syntactical relationship of each
2. To describe (a word) by stating its part of speech, form, and syntactical
relationships in a sentence.
  a. To examine closely or subject to detailed analysis, especially by
breaking up into components: "What are we missing by parsing the behavior of chimpanzees into the conventional categories recognized largely from our own
behavior?" (Stephen Jay Gould).
  b. To make sense of; comprehend: I simply couldn't parse what you just
4. Computer Science. To analyze or separate (input, for example) into more
easily processed components.

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