Olaf Beckman Lapré wrote:
For me this is simply a must! I'm using SQLite in my e-mail client which I
hope will be one of the first large scale deployments of SQLite where it
will be used heavily on a daily basis.
I think you are too late to claim this honor.
If the database is corrupted then
people lose all their e-mails and that's simply intolerable! I can't release
my e-mail client on the general public until this issue has been addressed
or at least until someone shows me how to repair a corrupted database
I don't understand.

Most of us use email clients that store our mail as simple text files. An SQLite database is no more likely to get corrupted than any other file.

If my PC is writing random bytes of data into disk files, I've got a much bigger problem than losing email.

I wish you luck with your project, but I don't see how what you are asking for can be achieved.


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