Lattest cvs sqlite version:

If SQLITE_OMIT_TRIGGER is set, linker complains about an unresolved 
_sqlite3ExprCodeAndCache symbol.

sqlite3ExprCodeAndCache is defined in expr.c and wrapped with #ifndef 

However, references in 

  insert.c, line 536
  update.c, line 348 and 362

are not wrapped with #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_TRIGGER.

I followed the suggestion quoted below (posted earlier to this list) without 

Is it safe (or even required?) to change sqliteInt.h to

  void sqlite3ExprCodeAndCache(Parse*, Expr*);
  # define sqlite3ExprCodeAndCache(A,B)

>> parse.obj : error unresolved external symbol _sqlite3VtabArgExtend in 
>> function  _yy_reduce
>> parse.obj : error unresolved external symbol _sqlite3VtabArgInit in function 
>> _yy_reduce
>> parse.obj : error unresolved external symbol _sqlite3VtabBeginParse in 
>> function  _yy_reduce
>> parse.obj : error unresolved external symbol _sqlite3VtabFinishParse in 
>> function  _yy_reduce
>> These functions are declared in sqliteint.h line 1863-1866.
>> These functions are implemented in vtab.c but enclosed in:
>> ....
>> #endif
>> And of course, these functions are used in function reduce without any 
>You must be trying to use the "parse.c" source file that
>is found in  "parse.c" is not really
>source code.  It is generated code.  The source code is
>"parse.y".  The -DSQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE=1 comes into play
>when compiling parse.y into parse.c.  So if you want to use
>-DSQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE=1, you have to compile beginning
>back at parse.y.
>To do that, you will need some kind of Unix.  Make a copy of
>Makefile.gcc-linux, rename it as just "Makefile", edit the 
>setup lines at the top to suite your particular situation, 
>(for example, add lines that say "OPTS += -DSQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE=1")
>then type "make".

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