> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gerry Snyder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 12:42 PM
> To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] import syntax and null values
> Fred Williams wrote:
> > Would it not be more logical to modify the .import command
> to place a
> > null value in a column where the input value is non
> existent? (i.e. Back
> > to back separators in the input)  Null in, null out.
> >
> A null is not the same thing as an empty string. Some things would be
> simpler if it were, but it is not, and  the distinction is important.
> If your suggestion were implemented, there would be no way
> to .import
> an empty string.

Don't mean to split hairs, but...

For the following, the "," is the field delimiter and '"' is the string

Although this may fly in the face of reality, an empty string should be
denoted with ,"", and a null value by ,,.  Who is to say whether ,,
denotes an empty string or an unknown value?  ,"", specifically denotes
an empty (zero length) string, where ,, truly indicates an unknown

With current thinking, is the ,, string zero length or unknown?
Following current logic a numeric input value of ,, should be
interpreted as zero (0) not a null value.  An unknown value is not equal
to zero, here in Texas when playing Texas Hold-em!  Otherwise I would
win every hand :-)


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