This might be related to  DBD::SQLite 1.13 defaulting to SQLite 3.3.7?

I tend to try and keep my PERL and SQLite Command line at the same version.

Quoting Stephan Brunner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi all,
> I hit a problem using SQLite 3.2.8 with perl 5.8.7 and DBD::SQLite 1.13, 
> ubuntu 6.06.
> Actually I don't know for sure that it's a sqlite problem and not caused by 
> DBD::SQLite, but I also don't know how to find out...
> Below is a small perl script that reproduces the problem on my box, I hope 
> there's someone around here that can cope with it as I can't provide C 
> code:-(
> The script uses a sqlite3 database with the simple schema
> CREATE TABLE table1 (text NOT NULL);
> It tries to insert a NULL value into the text column, which of course results
> in an exception. The exception is caught and another NULL insert is issued. 
> This time, the script segfaults.
> Calling the script with valgrind, the second NULL insert doesn't cause a 
> segfault, but an exception "library routine called out of sequence(21) at 
> dbdimp.c line 376". The script continues and tries one more, this time valid,
> insert, but this one also fails with "...out of sequence..."
> In my "real" application (based on gtk2-perl), it is possible that an invalid
> insert / update is being done more than once (that way I initially hit the 
> problem). I can't always reproduce the segfault; more often I get an 
> exception saying "not an error(21) at dbdimp.c line 376". 
> Here is the code (it uses Class::DBI; the behaviour is identical when using 
> DBIx::Class):
> #----------------------
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> package My::Schema;
> use base 'Class::DBI';
> My::Schema->connection('dbi:SQLite:test.db');
> package My::Schema::Table1;
> use base 'My::Schema';
> My::Schema::Table1->table('table1');
> My::Schema::Table1->columns(All => 'text');
> package main;
> foreach (1..2) {
>     print "$_.try to insert NULL value:\n"; 
>     eval {
>       My::Schema::Table1->create({ text => undef });
>     };
>     if ($@) {
>       chomp $@;
>       print "OOOPS: Caught exception >$@<!\n";
>     }
> }
> # Try valid insert -> also fails!
> My::Schema::Table1->create({ text => 'foo' });
> #----------------------
> I'd be very happy if somebody could try to reproduce the behaviour I'm seeing
> and possibly help to find out what's going (or what I'm doing) wrong here. If
> it's of any help, I can provide the valgrind output or other information as 
> required.
> Thank you very much in advance!
> Stephan
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