Following up my earlier post:

I have a database where some values contain carriage returns. I am using the command line to execute sqlite commands, eg:

sqlite3 Disney.db "SELECT * FROM Characters"

When I get the result of a SELECT statement, the output has columns separated by pipe characters and rows by new lines. So, if a value contains a return, it prematurely starts a new line, and messes up my output result.

What's the best approach to deal with this?

I guess I could use the command:

.mode csv

to change the output to csv (which wraps newlines in values within quotes). But it doesn't hold from one sqlite3 command to the next. And I can't see how to do this in a single command line, and there'd be too much overhead to write the ".mode" and SELECT commands to a temporary file to then invoke through a sqlite3 command.

I hope I'm missing something simple. Can anyone help, please?

On the man page for sqlite3, it gives command line options to activate html or line output mode, by:

sqlite3 -line
sqlite3 -html

but there doesn't appear to be an equivalent option to format the output as csv, ie:

sqlite3 -csv

And CSV seems to be the only output that encapsulates carriage returns.

I finally figured that I can do it using a pipe, eg:

echo ".mode csv
SELECT * FROM Characters;" | sqlite3 Disney.db

If anyone has a neater solution, please let me know. But for now this achieves my requirement of capturing carriage returns in the output values.


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