Rob Sciuk a écrit :
On Wed, 18 Oct 2006, Rich Shepard wrote:

   And, ... there's pysqlite2 which is a teriffic implementation of the
python database API.

   I'm using python, wxPython, and pysqlite2 in our approximate reasoning
models. It's a nice system.


So many scripting languages, and so little time.  Noel is making a valiant
case for Lua/IUP widgets, though I'm only vaguely aware of that language.
What was that link again?

thinking about it, storing xml (or generating xml on the fly from a registered sqlite command) seems better than generating tcl/python/lua whatever code ? Its also easy to send/receive remotely. My NGUI controls accept xml directly, so you can feed them from sqlite without additional step.
Anyway, there's always some tradeoff (size, speed, portability)...

Best wishes.

Noël Frankinet
Gistek Software SA

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