Xavier Noria wrote:
Not that is critical for my application, but just for curiosity which is the recommended idiom to figure out whether a table has any register?


You can of course use the most direct method, counting records and comparing like this.

   select count(*) > 0 from t;

But this is inefficient if your table has lots of records. To eliminate this overhead you can use the limit clause to only return the first record, if it exists, in a subselect, and then check if you got any results back.

   select count(*) > 0 from (select * from t limit 1);

This can be improved by removing the count aggregate function call and the test of its output by simply checking if you got a result or not.

   select (select * from t limit 1) is not null;

This only looks at the first record and does not involve initializing and finalizing an aggregate function. If your table has many columns there is still some overhead that can be removed if you have a primary key column (which can't contain a null), simply return only that column from the subselect.

   select (select id from t limit 1) is not null;

I think this is a nearly optimal way to check if a table has any records.

Dennis Cote

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