Dennis Cote wrote:
> Emmanuel,
> Check out the functions on this page
> In particular the function julianday(datestring) will return a julian
> day number for a suitably formatted date string. The supported date
> formats are from ISO-8601, or YYYY-MM-DD, so you will have to use
> substr and concatenation (||) to rearrange your dates.
> Dennis Cote

Thanks Denis this was a very good suggestion. Here is the part of my
query that converts "DD/MM/YYYY" to "YYYY-MM-DD", it works like a charm
with julianday()

substr(c.value,-4,4) || "-" || (CASE WHEN substr(c.value,-7,1) = '/'
THEN "0" || substr(c.value,-6,1) ELSE substr(c.value,-7,2) END) || "-"
|| (CASE WHEN substr(c.value,2,1) = '/' THEN "0" || substr(c.value,1,1)
ELSE substr(c.value,1,2) END)

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