On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 19:46:32 -0000, you wrote:

>Just one other thing needed.
>In the .sql file is there a way to notify VB that the text import is
>finished? I run the .bat file now from VBS, so it won't be visible.
>I couldn't see anything suitable in the dot commands to tell VB.

It is done when the .bat returns to VBS, I guess.
You could try to execute like this (just guessing, i never use
start /w ReadCode.bat

Or add this to the sql script:
**** at the top:
if exist signal.txt del signal.txt

**** at the bottom:
.output signal.txt
select SUBJECT_TYPE from ReadCode limit 1;

and detect the presence of the file signal.txt in your VBS
script. Or do everything in your .bat (or better, .cmd).
  (  Kees Nuyt

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