
I have a system up and working using sqlite3, but I think I am having
unicode issues and I am not sure how I should go about coding the solution.
I was hoping someone could share the approach needed. Here is my situation:

I have german characters which "Umlauts" which I would like to get back  out
of sqlite. An example is an "a" with two little dots on the top.

I have been using the non "16" versions. But in my mind thats ok, I just
want whatever I put in back out again. The facts that its unicode should
make a diff to sqlite. Unicode of 2 bytes say will be just be 2 normla chars
to sqlite. At least this was an assumption.

So if I look at a name with umlaughts in the database via sqlite3.exe I get:

Städt. Klinikum Neunkirchen gGmbH
  an "a" with two dots on top

Now I expected that when this was put back into a unicode field it would be
ok, but it doesnt seem to work.

So I tried the *16 versions, but now the field size returned by
"sqlite3_column_bytes16" always seems to be larger than the string I get
back resulting in junk characters on the end. So I get the Umlauts in my
application but all this other junk as well.

Any ideas ?

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