I am still having issues trying to get my charaters standardizsed. I spent
> all of yesterday playing with ideas but it still in the dark.

Whatever you were doing the first time was fine:

I have been having that very thought!

So if I look at a name with umlaughts in the database via sqlite3.exe I
> Städt. Klinikum Neunkirchen gGmbH
>   --
>   |
>   an "a" with two dots on top

That text was properly encoded as UTF-8.  The ONLY issue with that
line is that the sqlite shell under Windows is incapable of displaying
Unicode, so you need to retrieve the data from sqlite using a tool
that is.  The actual storage of it is perfect.

I know the console sqlite3 wont show it. The delphi control I am using does

> If I add the text using the *16 prepare and then retrieve it using the
> column_text, I still get the two seperate characters instead of the
> thingie. So I can only assume that somehow my source isnt UTF-16. or I
> converting it somewhere in the middle. This is possible since I am using
> Delphi and it has some implicit convertions, but I think I have got that
> under control.

AFAIK Delphi has no built-in Unicode support at all; you will need to
find third-party support for everything, from processing to display
controls.  It is likely you are ending up with UTF-8 data at some
point in the pipeline, and whatever you're doing to process it does
not understand UTF-8.

Yeah I am currently using VirtualTree from Mikes Delphi Gems. Its fully
unicode enabled (I beleive). I use WideStrings through out the entire
pipeline from xml I recieve into SQLite via the prepare16 back out through
column_text16 into virtual tree. Well thats true, the SQL APIs are mapped to
return PWideChar which is then copied via System.Move into a widestring as

Show code :)

* DLL *
function  sqlite3_open(filename: PWideChar; var db: pointer): integer;
cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_open16';
function  sqlite3_close(db: pointer): integer; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll
function  sqlite3_exec(db: pointer; sql: PWideChar; callback: pointer;
userdata: PWideChar; var errmsg: PWideChar): integer; cdecl; external '
sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_exec16';
procedure sqlite3_free(ptr: PWideChar); cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll';
function  sqlite3_prepare(db: pointer; sql: PWideChar; nBytes: integer; var
stmt: pointer; var ztail: PWideChar): integer; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll'
name 'sqlite3_prepare16';
function  sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt: pointer; col: integer): integer; cdecl;
external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_column_bytes16';
function  sqlite3_column_text(stmt: pointer; col: integer): PWideChar;
cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_column_text16';

function TSqliteQueryResults.FieldAsString(i: integer): WideString;
   size: integer;
 temp: PWideChar;
   size := FieldSize(i);
   SetLength(result, size div 2);
 temp := sqlite3_column_text(Fstmt, i);
   System.Move(sqlite3_column_text(Fstmt, i)^, PWideChar(result)^, size);

function TSqliteQueryResults.FieldSize(i: integer): integer;
   result := sqlite3_column_bytes(Fstmt, i);

***** END ****

Previously (before my langauge headaches :-)  ) I was doing the above
without the APIs ending in 16, and everything was string and PChar in the
above layer. The layer that used this class has always had "WideString".

I realise your probably not delphi pros, but if you do spot something stupid
I am doing I would appreciate any help you can offer.


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