Have tested this now and it seems to work fine.
Faster as well than my old method.


> Hi Denis,
> Yes, it is a one-off action and the only purpose is to present the data
> into and Excel sheet in a more readable way.
> I had done your suggestion in VBA, but I thought it was a bit slow
> and wondered if there was a better way.
> I have just found a possible way to do this and maybe it is faster.
> Say I have a table with an ID column and 3 other columns.
> The data in these other columns need to be grouped by ID number, so
> ID col1 col2 col3
> would become:
> ID col1_1 col2_1 col_1  col1_2 col2_2 col3_2 col1_3 col2_3 col3_3
> etc. where the maximum number of fields will be determined by the
> maximum number of records for one ID number
> Now I found that if I do:
> select
> ID,
> col1,
> col2,
> col3
> from
> table
> group by
> ID
> Then it will always pick up the row that comes last in the group of
> ID numbers. This might actually be faster than doing a subquery with MAX.
> Now if I run the above and move the data to a new table, say table2 and
> then run a query like this:
> select
> t1.ID,
> t1.col1,
> t1.col2,
> t1.col3
> from
> table1 t1 inner join table2 t2 on
> (t1.ID = t2.ID)
> where
> t1.col1 < t2.col1
> group by
> t1.ID
> Then I will get the rows (if there was a row left)in the ID group
> that comes second from last, so
> ID
> 1
> 1
> 1
> 1 < will get this one
> 1
> If I keep repeating this in a VBA loop and then join the tables I would
> get my output. Not sure it is faster, but I think it might.
> Will see.
>> Hi RBS!
>> If I understood you correctly you need a tool to transform these data
>> just once?
>> So there is a pseudocode describing one of possible approaches. To
>> convenient transformation SQLite is not enough for me, I suggest to use
>> any script language like Lua, Ptython, etc.
>> 1) With a statement
>> LIMIT 1
>> Determine max number of a values
>> 2) construct create table statement
>> for n=1, maxVal
>>      ", value<n> TEXT"
>> end
>> );
>> and execute it
>> 3) then navigate through 'old' table, create statements for insert data
>> to 'new'
>> But please be sure that you need exactly such transformation. It is a
>> _denormalization_, almost anytime people try to perform conversion
>> exactly as you describe but in reverse direction :)
>> With a 'new' table many operation, such as adding another one value for
>> ID = 1, will lead to ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN, etc. You will come away
>> from SQL logic.
>> Regards, Denis
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: RB Smissaert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:39 AM
>> To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
>> Subject: RE: [sqlite] Transpose table
>> The example I gave shows exactly what I need to do.
>> I have a column of ID numbers with duplicates. I have to make this
>> column hold only unique ID numbers by moving the values to the first row
>> where that ID number appears, with that increasing the number of
>> columns. Hope this makes it a clearer.
>> RBS
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Darren Duncan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: 14 December 2006 06:59
>> To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
>> Subject: Re: [sqlite] Transpose table
>> Can you please provide a use case for your example, so we know what
>> you're trying to accomplish?  That should help us to help you better.
>> -- Darren Duncan
>> At 12:08 AM +0000 12/14/06, RB Smissaert wrote:
>>>I am moving my code away from VBA and transferring it to SQL. There is
>>>one particular routine where I haven't found a good replacement
>> for
>>>and that is to transpose a table from a vertical layout to a horizontal
>> one,
>> <snip>
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