On 12/15/06, Francesco Andrisani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi comunity,
i have the follow problem.
I've insert into a C-CGI page a small sqlite3 code.
When i call the page from a browser, it exec a query and show on browser the 
entries, but it don't work.
If i add a "printf" above the sqlite3_open() it print the message, but if i put 
the instruction after the sqlite2_open() it don't swow the message.
Under i put my piece of code:

Did your program also print the proper cgi header before printing anything else?
If you don't print the header you're output will probably get destroyed.
Probably something like:

printf( "Content-type: text/html\n\n" );
printf( "Content-type: text/plain\n\n" );

The PixAddixImage Collector suite:

SqliteImporter and SqliteReplicator: Command line utilities for Sqlite

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