This is getting ugly. Consider the following given the server.c example: and 
using counters to track when a txn is begun/committed.
 a.. Begin exclusive
 b.. Begin exclusive (succeeds??? )
 a. Insert
 b. Insert  (should be ok since we are in a txn.. however this is on a seperate 
connection and only one can write at a time... Get a sqlite busy ..
 b. rollback (because of sqlite busy) This undoes the changes for a... insert.. 
and terminates the transactions running...
 a. commit... get a no transaction.
 So all this does is point glaringly that although Sqlite seems to be 
"threadsafe" it is far from transcational within a threaded environment.. Any 
ideas on how to "patch this up"??
 The server running statements on behalf of clients in a multi threaded 
enviornment is appealing since it allows a shared cache for each connection and 
given "read uncommitted" allows parallel read operations while a write is 
 I think there needs to be some form of GLOBAL write lock. That would cause the 
calling client thread to block, when another client thread has the lock. These 
locks should obviously be enqued such that writer starvation will not occur.
 It occurs to me that the Sample server.c module is broken. The recomendation 
is to use transactoins (the doc page on multi threading) however when starting 
a transaction in this mannter it is not really honored. 
 This lends itself to the idea that the server.c code should allow a "callback 
function", wherin the callback function could execute begin/ 
statemtnst....etc... then finally a commit. This would allow functions to enque 
work, perform their work autonomously and independently. This is really no 
different than enabling a global reader/writer lock, at the server level opon 
entry to "begin"  however it does have the advantage of guaranteeing no writer 
starvation and FirstCome First Serve into the sqlite server thread.
 It would be nicer if sqlite implemented this internally, considering 
concurrency levels for attached databaes would be improved over a full write 
lock at a global level.
 Any other paradigms or thoughts about this?

Igor Tandetnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Ken  wrote:
> I've been looking at the server.c file. And have started some
> testing. I'd like to know if the server.c (single process, single
> server thread handling incoming requests) can handle SQL statements
> such as Begin TXn and Commit?
> From what I've gathered doing a  begin exclusive doesnt really seem
> to work. I get success on 4 concurrent threads. Then later get a
> commit failure indicating "no transaction active"..

Be aware that SQLite doesn't support nested transactions. Suppose you 
get a sequence like


First BEGIN starts a transaction. Second is simply ignored. First COMMIT 
ends the transaction. Second commit produces the error you quote.

The usual solution is to handle BEGIN and COMMIT statements by 
maintaining a counter. Increment it when you see a BEGIN, decrement on 
COMMIT. Only actually execute BEGIN statement when counter moves from 0 
to 1, and COMMIT when counter moves from 1 to 0.

Igor Tandetnik 

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