On 1/8/07, Peter James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks for your response, Ken.  I'm not sure I've explained myself
properly.  It's not that I'm calling sqlite3_enable_shared_cache()
multiple times.  It's that if I don't maintain a persistent connection while
the server is running I end up with a dangling pointer and an error.

1. start server thread
    a. calls sqlite3_enable_shared_cache()
    b. waits for incoming commands
2. open connection #1
3. open connection #2
4. prepare and step a query with connection #1 (through the server)
5. close connection #1
6. prepare a query with connection #2 (through the server)

I believe multiple connections are specifically warned against in the
documentation for using the firefox version of sqlite. They redesigned
it in such a
way that it works well only for firefox and can't be used with
anything else easily.
I use it from a firefox addon.

The PixAddixImage Collector suite:

SqliteImporter and SqliteReplicator: Command line utilities for Sqlite

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