On Sunday, January 21, 2007, 1:17:09 PM, RB Smissaert<sqlite-users@sqlite.org> 
> Need to do an UPDATE on one table, based on values in another table where
> this other table is joined to the first table on rowid of table 1 = column
> value of table 2, so:

> table1
> SET col2 =
>         (SELECT
>         t2.col2
>         FROM
>         table2 t2
>         WHERE
>         ROWID = t2.col1)

> It runs fine, but all the update values are the same as it will take the
> rowid of table2, not table1.
> The problem is that I can set an alias on table2, but not table1 as that
> will cause an invalid query.
> I am sure there must be a simple solution for this and thanks for anybody
> telling me.


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Shouldn't it be ".... WHERE t1.rowid = t2.col1" / notice the added t1.
before rowid / to make this work as you expected? It implicitly takes
the rowid in the subquery from table 2 because you select from table 2
in the subquery.

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