Igor Tandetnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

update C1_credDerivEvent
   set CDEvent = CDEvent || ',' ||
       (select b.CDEvent
        from C1_tmp_credDerivEvent b
        where C1_credDerivEvent.CDId = b.CDId)
where exists (
   select * from C1_tmp_credDerivEvent b, tmp_events c
   where C1_credDerivEvent.CDId = b.CDId and b.CDEvent=c.CDEvent

This one is shorter, and requires only one subselect per row:

update C1_credDerivEvent set CDEvent = ifnull(
   CDEvent || ',' || (select b.CDEvent
       from C1_tmp_credDerivEvent b, tmp_events c
       where C1_credDerivEvent.CDId = b.CDId
           and b.CDEvent=c.CDEvent),

If the nested select produces an empty set, it will be treated as NULL,
which will force the concatenation to be NULL, and the update will
degenerate into a no-op (SET CDEvent=CDEvent).

It's not necessarily faster though. If SQLite can use indexes to satisfy
the WHERE clause in the first statement, it doesn't need to look at
every record. If only a small portion of all records actually needs
updating, the first query may run faster even though a second lookup is
necessary for those records that do get updated after all. The second
query requires a linear scan of C1_credDerivEvent table, and a lookup
for every record.

Igor Tandetnik

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