On Tue, 2007-02-20 at 00:29 -0500, Jim Crafton wrote:
> If I have a simple table without an index column, and have multiple
> rows with the same data, is it possible to *only* delete one row? In
> other words, is there anything like the LIMIT syntax that's found in
> the SELECT command for DELETEs?

Not directly. But every row has an implicit primary key that you can
refer to using (amongst other names) "oid". You can use a SELECT to
locate a single oid value and then use the oid to delete a single
row. i.e. instead of:

  DELETE FROM xxx WHERE <my where clause>;


  WHERE oid = (SELECT oid FROM xxx WHERE <my where clause> LIMIT 1)

or similar.


> Thanks,
> Jim
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