I think some of these questions fall in the category of "running in the dark with scissors". If it's a simple matter of I need to read something, just point me at the appropriate documentation.

I'm trying to get a handle on this cursor thing. obviously it preserves state of some sort but I'm missing what state it is preserving. For example, do I need a different cursor for each table in the database? if it helps any, multiple tables will be in play at the same time.

Record locking. I did read http://www.sqlite.org/lockingv3.html I do a fair number of read/modify/write cycles on individual rows in all of the tables from multiple processes. if I interpret the documentation correctly, I need to create a transaction and when I am done changing things, "commit" which is really just turning on auto commit.

Committing. how often should one commit? Is it even necessary if you close? What happens in case of a crash? Does journaling save one's bacon? If the change has not been "committed" will be visible to other processes using the same table?

Many thanks for your answers and patience.

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