
after reading the wiki entry "In Memory Database" ( http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki/wiki?p=InMemoryDatabase ) I understand now that we can load a database file, work on it 'in-memory' then save the result back to a database file ( ATTACH/DETACH DATABASE ).

For my current project, I exactly need this feature except that in place of loading/saving the result from/to a file, I'd need to load/save the result as a binary blob, like a serialization of the database itself if you like. So I could reconstruct the database from this chunk of datas, then use it in-memory, then 'dump' the database as a data chunck wich can be saved indirectly.

The reason for doing this is that the project is a plugin in a context of an application host, wich support loading and saving of 'user datas' that the application host loads/saves on its own. The plugin just need to put/get the datas from the application host api.

Of course, I could dump the content of the database and reconstruct the database from SQL queries.

I was thinking about something more straightforward, like a binary 'snapshot' of the database that SQLite could use/dump directly.

Is this allready possible somehow ?

If not, what would be the best approach to handle such case ?

Thanks a lot in advance for any help.

guy rabiller | President, CEO & CTO | m3factory

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