> So is a 60%ish reduction in DB size from 2.8.16 to 3.3.13 normal?

3.3.13 typically generates database files that are 30-40% smaller
than 2.8.16.  60% seems excessive, but is not outside the range of
possibility.  What kind of data are you storing?  Floating point
numbers are 8 bytes in 3.3.13 versus 17 bytes in 2.8.16.  Something
like that could account for the difference.

Ahh yes, I bet that's it!

My 60% was a bit inaccurate. Now that I actually do the math it's
closer to 40-55% depending on the types of data (I have do some that
store lots of floating point numbers).

I was impressed with SQLite before, now I'm REALLY impressed. Thank you!!

- Mitchell Vincent

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