Dne čtvrtek 22 březen 2007 13:16 [EMAIL PROTECTED] napsal(a):
> Jakub Ladman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I need to know how this works in detail:
> > I have sqlite3 database file stored on SD/MMC FLASH card and i would to
> > insert rows to some tables often. There will be triggers to clean old and
> > obsolete data.
> > How often it will write to database file? After every INSERT command, or
> > it goes to some buffer in ram and file is updated as late as multiple
> > inserts are done?
> The database file is written when you COMMIT (either implicitly or
> explicitly) or when the internal cache overflows.
> The rollback journal file on the same flash card is written
> continuously as you make changes.

Thank you for answer.
Is there a possibility to store journal at some other place instead of the 
directory where main file stays?
Flash memory is not so good for "random access", because its limited number of 
writing cycles.
I think ramdisk is not a best place to store journal :-), but i have also 8KB 
of  non-volatile ferroelectric ram accessible through i2c bus (character 
 But 8KB is not too much. May it be enough in some specific configuration, or 
is it completely wrong idea?

Thank you


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