I ended up writing my own application server and embedded language and it works about 100 times better than PHP (and I am being kind to PHP). It is a vindication of what they teach you in fundamental CS, it can be easier to just replace bloatware than to try to live with it.

Ulrich Schöbel wrote:
Thanks again for your help.

I've given up to use SQLite with PHP and tried Postgres. This works.
I'll probably give up entirely on this PHP crap. As you say, it's a lazy
dog and with 12MB module size it's also a monster dog.

Long live Tcl and, of course, SQLite!


On Thursday 05 April 2007 22:18, John Stanton wrote:

It is some time since I compiled it so my memory is hazy and I rely on
my sparse notes.  I compiled php-5.1.0 with those options and what was
then the current version of Sqlite.  I then compiled and linked it into
Apache V2.  It worked.  The only ugly part was having to learn the PDO
rules, but it had compensations because we also use PostgreSQL and it is
a common interface.

Ultimately we did not persevere because PHP turned out to be a lazy dog
and we moved on so I cannot give you current details.

I suspect that --with-PDO-sqlite is a default and you have to define
--without-PDO-sqlite to defeat it.

My dim memory suggests that I used grep to ferret out the sqlite options
rather than the --help.

The utf8 is to do with the character set.  Others here are better
equipped to explain that than I am.

Ulrich Schöbel wrote:

Thanks, John, this is much better, although still not what I want.

It now has (mysteriously) a sqlite version of 3.3.3. No idea where
this is originated, maybe part of the bundle.

I compiled sqlite-3.3.13, it's running fine, the lib is in
/usr/local/lib, the headers are in /usr/local/include, the sources
in /usr/local/src/sqlite-3.3.13.

You didn't mention --with-pdo-sqlite=... and --with-sqlite3 is
not to be found with ./configure -help.

What about --enable-sqlite-utf8? What does that mean?


On Thursday 05 April 2007 21:25, John Stanton wrote:

This is what I used -
To install with SQLITE V3 configure -

--without-sqlite --with-sqlite3=/usr/local

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