Jef Driesen wrote:

I can give you the example of an application using sqlite as the on-disk
file format. As mentioned on the sqlite website [1], the traditional
File/Open operation does an sqlite3_open() and executes a BEGIN
TRANSACTION. File/Save does a COMMIT followed by another BEGIN
TRANSACTION. That would be the parent transaction.

Imagine now the application needs to execute a group of sql statements
that needs to be atomic. Some examples that come to my mind are importing data, re-arranging existing data,... To guarantee the entire operation is atomic, I want to group them in a child transaction. But when this operation fails for some reason (because of invalid data, a violated constraint,...), only the child transaction needs to rollback. Because changes prior to this child transaction should remain intact and the application can still continue because the database remains in a clean state.

Without nested transactions, I have to make a compromise by:

(a) not using a parent transaction and loosing the File/Save feature.
(b) not using a child transaction and running into the risk of leaving
inconsistent data in the database after an error or having to throw away
all changes after an error.



While this is another example of where a savepoint mechanism could be useful, it is not necessary.

Another solution to your dilemma is given in the second paragraph of the application file format description on that web page. You use the database to store an undo log. You can then undo the changes made since the beginning of your "pseudo transaction" in the event of a error during a multiple statement change.

Since you are probably going to have an undo/redo mechanism anyway, this adds little or no additional work. You simply mark all statements in a "pseudo transaction" with the same transaction number in the undo log, and if an error occurs you undo all the statements already logged with that transaction number.

Of course there are also other ways of handling this such as swapping files on open and save rather than using transactions, so that real transactions can be used to update the active file atomically.

Dennis Cote


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