Hi Michael,

* Michael Ruck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-04-21 22:35]:
> Thanks for your response. Do you have a recommendation for a
> simpler data store, which supports only simple queries (like,
> equals, not equals on attributes) and transactions?

BerkeleyDB might be a candidate. It only stores key-value pairs,
but keys may have multiple values, and it’s easy to come up with
some convention for composite key names in order to store more
complex objects. (If need be, you store a list of keys under
another key or some such. Depends on what you want to do.) It has
transaction support and as a bonus, it’s much faster than SQLite.

(SQLite is significantly slower than many simpler datastores such
as BDB. The benefit is that you get to write arbitrarily complex
queries abstractly in SQL rather than having to spell them out as
scads of imperative data structure examination code, that then
also has to be debugged and maintained.)

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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