Hello Pavan,

>Can we store/retrieve Japanese/korean characters in sqlite db ?

Yes, you can well do so, as others have already pointed out.

If you are also looking for a Unicode GUI SQLite database manager to display 
and edit Japanese / Korean character databases, you might want to have a look 
at SQLiteSpy, freeware from http://www.yunqa.de/delphi/sqlitespy/ .

SQLiteSpy is designed to support any language when run on a Windows NT 4 and 
later operating system (Win2K, WinXp, Vista, etc.). I have received positive 
reports that it works well with German, French, Eastern European, Greek and 
Cyrillic characters. Given that your system fonts supports Japanese and Koean 
characters, they should work just as well. If you are experiencing problems, 
please contact me via e-mail and I will see what I can do.


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