
Assume the following scenario: I store people in a table, like this:

        ROWID, idx
        GUID, idx
        First, idx
        Last, idx

In the app, the user can select People GUIDs from different sources and then retrieve the info from the database. The easy/suboptimal route to retrieve the records would be to perform a SELECT per GUID selected. I thought of something like this:

SELECT * FROM People where GUID in ("ABC", "RDT", "TUV");

Is there a better way to include all these GUIDs on a single SQL statement to speed things up?

Questions I have:

1) Is this the best way to solve the problem? Suggestions?
2) Is there a limit on the number of parameters I can pass to "in"? What if I have, say, 500 to retrieve? Will SQLite complain about this?

Thanks a lot,

-- Tito

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