Thanks again Ulrik...the problem was with the tokenizer and not the


-----Original Message-----
From: Medi Montaseri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 5:14 PM
Subject: RE: [sqlite] Lemon parser generator question

Thanks Ulrik...I am now looking for the lexer...


-----Original Message-----
From: Ulrik Petersen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Lemon parser generator question


Lemon is a parser, not a lexer.  The terminals are defined outside of
Lemon.  Perhaps you inherited the .y file but did not receive the

SQLite, for example, has a hand-coded tokenizer.  Other projects (such
as my own) may use a lexer-generator such as flex.

In Lemon, the tokenizer drives the parser, not the other way around.  
For more information, you can see the sources of SQLite, which includes
a document on Lemon, or you can read this:


Ulrik Petersen

Medi Montaseri wrote:
> Hi,
> Firstly, if this is not the proper forum for Lemon questions, please
> me know where I need to go...
> Second, I am looking at a SQL grammer written for Lemon parser
> and am failing to see where some terminals are defined. For example 
> COMMA, FROM, SELECT are terminals and releatively easy to deduce.
> However in the grammer I am studying, I see references to NAME and 
> STRING (all in uppercase, indicating a terminal production).
> Here is my higher level problem...
> I have inherited a SqlGrammer.y that does not parse quoted-table-name 
> and is failing in cases where the FROM clause have things like "my, 
> table". For example select * from "my, table". Currently it works with

> select * from "table one"
> Chasing the grammer rules, it see a rule that reads
> from_source(P) ::= NAME(C).
> {
>     someClass:someAction()
> }
> Based on Lemons' doc, NAME must be a terminal rule (all upper case)
> since I don't define it, then lemon must.
> Can someone shed some light on this....
> Thanks
> Medi

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