On 5 May 2007, at 15:59, Joe Wilson wrote:

Ignore the idea above - an insert of NULL or an incrementing integer for the
INTEGER PRIMARY KEY yields the same timings.

I might try taking it out anyway - I don't really need it other than to be able to say "look at row n" to someone.

I did originally have indices before doing the inserts, but I took them away.

I can't reproduce your problem. I can insert 16M records into your table schema in 25 minutes on a 5 year old Windows machine. The sqlite3 process
had peak RAM usage of less than 20M.

Rats, I suspect it must be some compiler/architecture specific thing. I can rebuild it for x86, since I don't really care where it runs. It definitely isn't running out of memory though (at least, not unless it's throttling itself somehow, the machine has loads free when it gets sick).



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