Rich Shepard wrote:
On Wed, 9 May 2007, John Stanton wrote:

That program does have the capability, but may not be implemented that way on Windows. Why not make the change yourself?

A.J.Millan wrote:

As a suggestion, and even in the risk to abuse of Mr Hipp's patience. Would
it be possible to include in the command-line program (sqlite3.exe) the
ability to edit, an repeat at least the five or six last commands, as in
Linux?. Is to say with up-arrow and down-arrow. I believe it would be too

That, I believe, is a function of the shell, not the application using it.
For example, the command history available in bash is not present -- at
least, was not present -- in sh. Command history, IIRC, was a feature of the
csh, and bash (the Bourne Again Shell) took the best features of sh, csh,
and the Textronics version tcsh.

  Years ago, about a decade, when I had PC DOS 7.0 installed along with
linux, I discovered that the DOS shell allowed tab completions. I don't
recall if it had the history recall, too.


It would be a function of "readline".  I have not looked closely but I
would imagine that to implement or emulate readline on Windows would
achieve the function.

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