At 11:17 01/06/2007, you wrote:
>I am having a scenario where I have one reader/writer and many writer threads.
>All writers are pretty basic (single INSERT INTO; some sort of a logging info
>what a thread has done).
>I believe I will receive many BUSY return codes and I don't like these
>spinlock-like retries. The problem I am having with this design is that I would
>like to complete the thread ASAP, so that I don't have many threads idling and
>consuming resources of my embedded system.
>I was thinking to either:
>a. Use mutex/semaphore before writting to the database or
>b. Have a (thread safe) list of INSERT INTO strings that every writer thread
>populates and the main reader/writer thread later executes.
>Is this a good approach? Does anyone have a better design? I don't want to use
>other database, because I think Sqlite is great for an embedded system that I
>am using.

How many threads have you?. If threads number is low (less than 29) you can use 
a database for each thread. Each one will have it's own file and no write lock 
problems. From time to time a simple sql query can get all data from those 
databases, write to the main one and delete the databases.


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