B V, Phanisekhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Why it's unpredictable?
Why can't the unpredictable be made predictable?

Please feel free to submit a patch, if you believe it's that easy.

Assume I update the column of a row that meets the criteria of some
select stmt and I am yet to encounter that row in sqlite3_step. So the
sqlite3_step on that row will return the old column value or new
value for that row?

It depends on whether the query reads live data from the table or uses a temporary resultset.

E.g. a query with ORDER BY on a table that
doesn't have a suitable index has no choice but to retrieve all

In case of complex queries for e.g. ORDER BY (as mentioned by you), I
assume I will not be able to see the updated column value. Doesn't u
think there is an inconsistency?

That's why I said the outcome is unpredictable. Anyway, what are you driving at? What exactly is your suggestion?

Also, is there a better function to retrieve all (rows) of the results
in one call? Sqlite3_get_table does that, but it uses internally
sqlite3_step, which takes lot of time.

I, too, would like a database engine that always retrieves all rows in a resultset in the same small amount of time, regardless of how large the resultset is or how many rows must be looked at to calculate it. I also want a pony. However, I realize that I'm highly unlikely to ever get either, and go on with my life.

Which I guess is a long way of saying that no, sadly there is no magical way to retrieve all rows in a resultset instantaneously.

Igor Tandetnik

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