On Sun, 2007-06-10 at 16:08 -0700, Brett Keating wrote:
> Well I basically did the following, but not sure it's optimal:
> 1) Took 3.3.17 amalgamation
> 2) Took shell.c from 3.3.17 full distribution, and made a target that
> just uses sqlite3.c and shell.c to get the command line tool
> 3) Took whatever I had in my old makefile for compile flags and added
> them for compiling sqlite3.c in my project
> An extra step was needed:
> 1) Apparently 3.3.17 needs libdl, where 3.3.8 seemingly didn't, so I had
> to make some adjustments.
> Not that it's all that hard to figure the above out, but just wanted
> some perspective on the "recommended" approach, since I couldn't find
> any docs or list emails regarding building the shell using the
> amalgamation, and things might change so that what I'm doing now may no
> longer "work."

That seems fine to me. libdl is required by loadable extensions. If
you define the pre-processor symbol SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION, 
it's not required.

BTW you're right - there is no 3.3.18 yet.


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