Sebastian Tennant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have three tables; users, propositions, and subscriptions:
>  users
>  -----
>  user_id  user_name  user_password  user_email
>  propostions
>  -----------
>  prop_id         proposition             user_id
>  subscriptions
>  -------------
>  sub_id          prop_id          user_id
> Given a particular user, I want to return the set of 'interesting'
> propositions, i.e., those which were not proposed by the user and to
> which the user is not already subscribed...

select * from propositions p
where p.user_id != :userId and not exists (
    select * from subscriptions s
    where p.prop_id = s.prop_id and s.user_id = :userId

Igor Tandetnik

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