I'm doing a bulk insert by calling
sqlite3 -init BulkinsertItems.sql mydatabasefile

with the BulkinsertItems.sql file containing:

.separator \t
.import BulkItems.txt items

The command window opens and the import works, but then it does not close again.
How can I have this clsoe automatically?


All you need to do is move the .quit command from the init file to the command line like this:

sqlite3 -init BulkinsertItems.sql mydatabasefile .quit

with the BulkinsertItems.sql file containing:

.separator \t
.import BulkItems.txt items

Or use a .read command on the command line instead of the -init option like this:

sqlite3 mydatabasefile ".read BulkinsertItems.sql"

with the BulkinsertItems.sql file containing:

.separator \t
.import BulkItems.txt items

Dennis Cote

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