I stand corrected, thank you Andrew.  I seriuosly doubt it is a bug in
SQlite, but I have had a hell of a time with sqlite and binding
dynamically allocated text and binary data.

On 7/1/07, Andrew Finkenstadt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 7/1/07, Rich Rattanni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was trying to look through the SQLITE source code to see how the
> sqlite3_bind_blob routine worked.
> sqlite3_bind_blob passes the data pointer to bindText
> bindText passes the data pointer to sqlite3VdbeMemSetStr
> sqlite3VdbeMemSetStr then does...
> ...
> pMem->z = (char *)z;
>   if( xDel==SQLITE_STATIC ){
>     pMem->flags = MEM_Static;
>   }else if( xDel==SQLITE_TRANSIENT ){
>     pMem->flags = MEM_Ephem;
>   }else{
>     pMem->flags = MEM_Dyn;
>     pMem->xDel = xDel;
>   }
> ...
> I dont see anywhere where sqlite3 copies data to a private buffer, I
> just see where sqlite3 saves a copy of the user pointer.

Further down in that function, after setting MEM_Ephem, there are these
lines of code:

 if( pMem->flags&MEM_Ephem ){
   return sqlite3VdbeMemMakeWriteable(pMem);

which does the memory copy when SQLITE_TRANSIENT is used as a side-effect of
making it "writable".

In your original outline you issued sqlite3_step before freeing the memory.
If you leave it that way, you can get away with SQLITE_STATIC when binding
the blob... which might indicate something by whether/where the crash still

 just a sqlite user, not really a knower-of-code

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