Joe Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The following question is purely for curiosity's sake - I don't 
> advocate doing this... I just want to get a better understanding
> of the sqlite3 file format.
> Let's assume the most trivial case - a table without indexes of
> any kind (implicit or explicit). Just arguing from a point of view
> of the sqlite3 file format, if the row for the table/btree is deleted 
> in sqlite_master and the freelist is not updated, I can't see the 
> database being corrupted. The orphaned pages will not be reused until 
> VACUUM, and will needlessly occupy space on the disk, but they don't 
> seem to affect the other tables' and indexes' btree pages. In this 
> scenario, won't the new pages of other btrees avoid these orphaned 
> pages altogether?
> I appreciate that should you run pragma integrity_check you'll see
> something like this:
>   *** in database main ***
>   Page 2 is never used
> but that's not corruption, per se, it's just space inefficiency, is
> it not?


D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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