Assume I have an albumtable:

create table albumtable (albumid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, album BLOB);


Now I do a query to return the entire albums in the albumtable table in
alphabetical order:


The instructions for the above query are given below:


explain select album from albumtable order by album;


addr  opcode          p1          p2          p3

----  --------------  ----------  ----------

0     OpenEphemeral   1           3           keyinfo(1,BINARY)

1     Goto            0           26

2     Integer         0           0

3     OpenRead        0           2

4     SetNumColumns   0           2

5     Rewind          0           14

6     Column          0           1

7     MakeRecord      1           0

8     Column          0           1

9     Sequence        1           0

10    Pull            2           0

11    MakeRecord      3           0

12    IdxInsert       1           0

13    Next            0           6

14    Close           0           0

15    OpenPseudo      2           0

16    SetNumColumns   2           1

17    Sort            1           24

18    Integer         1           0

19    Column          1           2

20    Insert          2           0

21    Column          2           0

22    Callback        1           0

23    Next            1           18

24    Close           2           0

25    Halt            0           0

26    Transaction     0           0

27    VerifyCookie    0           1

28    Goto            0           2

29    Noop            0           0


I would like to know which portion of the above code does the sorting of
the blobs "album".

Basically would like to know where exactly the comparison "album A >
album B" is done.








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